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Founder & Social Worker

Guiding Vision and Inspiring Change

– VittalRao

Meet VittalRao, the visionary behind Avidha Foundation. With a deep passion for social change and a relentless drive to make a difference, VittalRao  founded Avidha Foundation with the aim of empowering lives and creating a brighter future. 

VittalRao brings a wealth of experience and expertise to the organization. As a visionary thinker, they have envisioned innovative solutions to address the pressing challenges faced by marginalized communities. Their unwavering commitment to social justice and equality has been instrumental in shaping Avidha Foundation’s mission and guiding its impactful initiatives.

Volunteer Journey

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At Avidha Foundation, we invite you to join our mission of creating positive change. Whether through volunteering your time, making a donation, or spreading awareness, your support can empower lives and contribute to a better future for all. Together, let’s make a meaningful impact and create a world where everyone has equal opportunities to thrive. Join us today and be part of the difference we can make together!

volunteer, hands, help-2055042.jpg

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Our Mission

our mission is to empower lives and create positive change. Through education, healthcare, and sustainable initiatives, we strive to uplift marginalized communities, promote equality, and advocate for social justice. Together, let’s create a better future for all.

health Care

Health Care


Wild life & Nature


Food & Home

women empowerment

Women Empowerment

Clean Drinking Water


Children Education


Animals Saved


Health Care


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What We Achieved

We are proud of the significant achievements we have made at Avidha Foundation. Through our dedicated efforts, we have empowered countless lives by providing access to quality education, improving healthcare services, promoting sustainable development, fostering community empowerment, and advocating for social justice. These accomplishments are a testament to our commitment to creating a lasting impact. However, our journey continues as we strive to expand our reach and make an even greater difference in the lives of those we serve. Join us in celebrating our achievements and being a part of our ongoing mission to create a better future for all.





To Know More


Experience our inspiring journey of transformation on YouTube. Watch our documentary and be part of the impact with Avidha Foundation.

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