Indian tradition

India pristine ground of spirituality a land with a 7,000 year old history a land held tied to its ancient traditions embedded with fruits of its deep-rooted culture passed on through generations sentiments intact. despite having witnessed or belonged to this society with innumerable traditions we lack the understanding of the logical reason behind several rituals and customs and brand them superstitious and meaningless, we have shelled away many of these anecdotes passed on by our forefathers with years of increasing westernization a lot of it because of sheer ignorance. have we ever wondered why certain things are devide the way they are why do we have specifications to every ritual followed 

idol worship is a form of prayer but what is the reason behind installing these idols in magnificently constructed temples what is the purpose of temples at all temples are constructed in zones by positive vibrations from the Earth’s magnetic and electric fields can be tapped in abundance the peak of this energy is felt at the garbha Griha or the sanctum sanctorum where the deity is installed people are asked to walk barefoot in temples so that the radiation is easily absorbed men are advice to visit temples bare chested as the human hair has the capacity to absorb positive energy women are asked to wear gold ornaments when they visit the temples as gold is one of the best absorbers and radiators of positive energy this is why many temple Vimanas are made of gold – we walk around the sanctum sanctorum to enable a state of equilibrium for the brain by its movement around a source of positivity these are some of the reasons behind the sense of serenity that fills a person from within whenever they visit a temple regardless of their belief in God 
an unset rule from the ancient times is that the temple should be the tallest construction in that particular town or city we see this rule in prevalence in the agraharam style of civilization in the rural areas the reason commonly stated is that God is the supreme and hence the temple must be the tallest actual reason behind this practice is the absorbing power of the temple gopuram the gopuram is usually filled with paddy on the inside which is an excellent absorbent of shockwaves wherever lightning hits the village the rays are diverted to the gopuram and the excess harmful rays are transmitted to the earth beneficial cosmic rays from the atmosphere are retained by the paddy and radiated inside the temple. 
they have been debates regarding conducting abhishekams  for stone idols in temples these age-old granite idols have the tendency to develop cracks on aging regular contact with agents such as milk honey and oil help in keeping the idol intact thus preserving these ancient sculptures another interesting observation is that the base on which these idols are mounted is made up of a specific alloy of gold silver and traces of lead which have medicinal properties when combined with milk and honey this is why milk and Panchamrutam from the abhishekam that are distributed are said to have special properties that cure many diseases earlier when the literacy rate in the country was much less than it is now instilling a fear of God was the only way to put forth scientific ideas and practices involving logical reasoning we have unfortunately forgotten the essence of such genius measures and brushed them away as superstitious 
the Ganesha sitting beneath the people tree or the arasa mara viniger is a widely popular deity of worship among women there is a common belief that women who are unable to conceive will be able to do so if they visit this vinegar every day in the early hours of the morning with wet clothes after a shower and walk in circles around the tree the secret behind the miraculous success of this practice is the people tree this tree is known to give out high amounts of oxygen and very minimal amounts of carbon dioxide through the day oxygen is said to be the best cure for hormonal imbalances in the body and naturally brings undernourished organs back to normalcy gradually the hormones in the uterus start functioning routinely and the woman is able to conceive wet clothes help in better absorption of oxygen thus ensuring maximum benefit of the ritual the motive behind placing the player is to convince people to follow it in the name of God giving them a reason to blatantly pursue it 
 in Indian tradition crows are given special importance as they are considered ancestors after the mean for the day is prepared a portion of every dish is kept outside for the crows to feast on so that the members of the family have the satisfaction of having fed their ancestors are they really our ancestors or have our forefathers just been spinning yarns there is an interesting reason behind this age-old tradition earlier on when there was no electricity and hence no proper light in the early hours of the morning people were doubtful of the food they cooked the crow as we all know is a creature that can eat almost anything and that which never refuses food interestingly it can sense the presence of any kind of poison in food it simply refuses food if it senses poison in it people from the ancient times happen to use the crow as a tester for food smartly without harming it 
when it comes to the food system Indian cuisine is one of the most balanced regiments including optimum quantities of all nutrients conceived into delicious dishes that are easily digestible our ancestors even had appropriate meal timings devised to ensure proper and timely metabolism and digestion for adequate energy to carry out the task through the day as an ancient custom says the best kind of diet for any human being or living animal in a region is the diet consisting of foods grown in the same area we have essentially evolved through the years to belong to a tropical climate and be accustomed to the foods and lifestyle offered by this region with the arrival of foreign cultures and lifestyles the concept of eating out was brought about with the expansion and trade of foreign cuisines which sadly are not the best suited diets for the Indian stomach most importantly eating outside food greatly disturbed the timing of meals we may believe that the only consequences of ill-timed meals are acidity and gastroenteritis / actually the human body functions by a system of energy flow between organs ancient scriptures of naturopathy and manuscripts of Ayurveda hold references to the organ clock you can now see that almost every ancient Indian tradition has a scientific explanation behind it some of them are deeply spiritual and very much beyond the understanding of the common man because of which they will link to the concept of blind belief after years of experience and observation our forefathers have drawn that these traditions to be imbibed into society living and lifestyles to ensure a healthy peaceful living so let’s start looking deeper let’s start truly appreciating the riches we have been provided with let us look at our customs with the positive curiosity after all isn’t it our duty as the future generation to carry them forward

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