barack obama top rules for success

Barack Obama’s advice for young people who want to be rich. 

when I was a young adult I read the quotes that changed my life it went something like if you can leave five years of your life the way other people cannot leave you’ll enjoy the rest of your life the way most people can not because of this quote and many other inspirations I got when I was going into the business world at age 21 I was not expecting instant success in fact my expectation was to fail for a decade and that was the reason why I endured those tough years without complaining on making excuses today I’ll be sharing with you what I consider the best advice from former US President Barack Obama for anyone who wants to be rich if you’re new here consider following us so you won’t miss other interesting facts like this
it is Barack Obama said making your mark in the world is hard if it were easy everybody will do it but it’s not it takes patience it takes commitment and it comes with plenty of failure along the way listen the reason why most people are poor is not because the system was rigged against them it’s because it’s tough to be rich the reason why many marriages don’t work is not because it’s normal it’s because it’s tough to maintain a blissful union between two people the reason why most people don’t succeed in life is not because someone stops them it’s because it’s tough hard and difficult and most people are not willing to go through those fires but how is this supposed to help you well over the years I’ve noticed that most people make excuses and complain because they expect life to be easy 
this 23 year old college grad wants to start a business but he has no money and so he blames the government for not helping him who well I’m sorry you have to do all you can start as rough as you can and fight as hard as you can it’s not easy I heard you saying yes it was never easy for anyone so fight with your last blood for the victory you desire this 25 year old entrepreneur has started his business for three years and he has experienced many failures well don’t complain fight on.. it’s just normal everyone who has ever achieved any great thing has gone through that exact same rough road 
this 32 year old employee hates his job but he’s afraid of what might happen if he follows his passion for music well don’t worry yourself I know what will happen to you you’ll feel feel and feel that’s the thing that’s the road that’s the path that leads to success it’s tough it’s hard it’s difficult and that’s why only a few people ever do it making your mark on the world is hard if it were easy everybody will do it but it’s not it takes patience it takes commitment and it comes with plenty of failure along the way Winston Churchill said if you’re going through the hell keep going the long walk to freedom after Mandela fought for the freedom of his people for many years including long years is spent behind bars as a prisoner he wrote his autobiography with the title the long walk to freedom truly his life’s battle was obviously a long long journey of horror but soon will yours be if you want to be successful every journey to success is a long journey if you went short journey everyone will follow it if it were easy everyone would do it I sacrificed a terrible long years of my life to fight for my financial freedom those eight years were like 80 I failed I cried I suffered rejections and disappointment but I wouldn’t turn back I wouldn’t turn back not because it was easy but because I knew the difficulties I was going through was just as normal as anything if you want real success don’t expect it tomorrow because it’s a long and tough journey the road that leads to success I have a friend who started to businesses and field then he said it’s not possible to make it in our country people like this up everywhere he attempt a great thing and feel then they turn back and look for whom to blame it may be the government the economy or the appearance but they will surely find someone to blame what these people don’t know is that every single individual who has ever achieved success has also gone through several failures Winston Churchill said success is moving from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm those who become rich and successful in life are often people who endured several failures till they achieve success that’s why Calvin Coolidge said nothing in this world can take the place of persistence nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent persistence and determination alone are omnipotent if you can’t persist you can’t win in the game of life it’s not easy to persist but you have to do it if you want to be rich and successful in life tips for you to become rich and successful one read biographies of successful people I love reading by think biographies are the most helpful type of books because they show us what movies can not show us about success in movies you can see successful people but you can hardly see the horrors and tear us behind those successes in bhangra fees you see the real picture of what people went through to become who they are these stories will do three things for you first you have better understanding of how people achieve success second you’ll be encouraged and won’t leave someone else for your failures instead you see your failures as a teacher that makes you smarter third you will never give up because I’ve read about many successful entrepreneurs before I went into the business world I don’t give up when I feel for many years I couldn’t give up because I’ve read the stories of how ordinary people like me went through similar things to what I was going through and came out victorious if they could do it I can do it making your mark in the world is hard if it was easy everybody would do it but it’s not it takes patience it takes commitment and it comes with plenty of failure along the way 

two avoid negative people they are everywhere and their job is to see how things are not possible or who is responsible for what is wrong these people are contagious if you make them your friends or you respect their opinions they will soon discourage you from fighting for your dreams people have told me in the past you can’t become rich unless your father is rich or middle-class you can’t make a lot of money in this country because it’s tough and other things these people will tell you a million reasons why whatever you want to do cannot succeed and to make matters worse their points will be reasonable
 three go beyond reason Albert Einstein said imagination is more important than knowledge for knowledge is limited whereas imagination embraces the entire world stimulating progress giving birth to evolution your imagination is far more important than facts your dreams may appear to be bigger than you and that’s fine because if it’s not bigger than you it’s not worth your time go beyond reason go beyond what everyone thinks is normal or possible imagine it and fight for it 
four get your hands dirty life is like water if you are afraid of jumping into the water because it’s cold you remain fearful but if you jump in you’ll discover that it’s not as cold as your mind made you to believe yes the road to success is tough yes becoming rich is difficult but if you’re willing to take massive and determined actions you soon discover that you are 100 times more powerful than you think you are making your mark in the world is hard if it were easy everybody will do it but it’s not it takes patience it takes commitment and it comes with plenty of failure along the way thank you so much 

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